Simplify and revitalize with small doses of natural beauty, calm, soul food, simple strategies for reclaiming your health and getting back to what matters most— delivered to your inbox.

I started these weekly heart to hearts because our modern lives have become over complicated and hectic, leaving many of us struggling with a health condition, life stress, or other symptoms of our modern malaise— being time poor, energy drained, sick and tired, overwhelmed, on auto-pilot, and/or disconnected from a sense of deeper meaning.

Reconnection is the cure.  

Reconnection with self, community, nature, creativity and craft/self-sufficiency, the moment...

These weekly heart to hearts will be small doses of truth, beauty, love, savoring the seasons and simple wealth of this amazing world we share, and simple strategies for healthier living, from my heart to yours.  

I hope to connect with you soon.  


Download your free copy of “Week Night One Pot”-

5 healthful, tasty recipes to help you eat well without breaking the bank, or spending ages in the kitchen. 

Sign up or learn more here.